While Rush recorded many great albums in their career, such as Hemispheres, 2112, Fly By Night, Permanent Waves, Rush, Counterparts, and A Farewell To Kings, Moving Pictures is often considered their magnus opus, and with good reason. Every song on this album is solid, including the lesser known, but still amazing, Witch Hunt and The Camera Eye. Tom Sawyer is one of Rush's best known songs, and is one of their most influential to date. YYZ is, arguably, the best instrumental song ever written. If you can play that bassline perfectly and completely, than I take my hat off to you. Red Barchetta, Limelight, and Vital Signs are all essential Rush songs, as is everything on the album. It is hard to believe that this is just a regular release album, it really seems like a compilation. There are just so many good songs.
Overall, this is one, if not best, progressive/hard rock albums of all time. It is one of the best and most influential albums (in general) of all time. Dear Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 'Experts': stop recruiting rap artists and actually pay attention to a ROCK group with this much talent- wake up.
(10 out of 10)
By the way, the pun is hilarious.